4 Ways to Prep for the Winter Now

Older man smiling in blue winter coat and black hat as he walks through a snowy forest.

The colder weather months bring a slew of adjustments to our daily lives. Increased time with family, holidays, shorter days and slippery road conditions call for increased preparation measures. Walk with us through four ways to prepare and work toward a smooth a successful winter season.

Ensure Vitamin D Intake

Aid mental health with a plan to get more vitamin D. The winter months leave days shorter and sometimes can reduce the amount of Vitamin D people receive due to spending more time inside. A deficiency in Vitamin D can cause mood changes and even elements of depression. Crafting a plan to ensure proper nutrition and sun exposure can set you up for success this winter.

Consider creating a short list of activities to work through in the fall and winter months to help with Vitamin D intake. Here are a few practical ideas to get you started:

  • Go on vacation in a warm and sunny location
  • Purchase a therapy lamp
  • Go on walks
  • Morning coffee on the porch (bundled up of course)
  • Afternoon hikes
  • Take Vitamin D supplements in the morning

Also, it is important to know that UV rays can spike due to snow and glare in the wintertime. So, it is important to consider a few of these indoor elements covered in our recent article: UV Safety at Home: 5 Indoor Precautions to Take

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Prep Vehicle

Winter driving weather poses an additional struggle for many people. Each year, 24% of weather-related vehicle crashes occur on pavement affected by snow, slush or ice. Creating an emergency kit for your vehicle is a great way to prepare for winter travel. Pack your back seat with a blanket, flashlight, water jug, tire traction devices and jumper cables. Prepping for an unexpected situation with warmth, water and some additional tools for your vehicle could ensure safe travels for you or a neighbor in need. You never know when these extra tools may come in handy.

Create a Holiday Budget

Preparation is always a good idea, especially in the financial sphere. Begin thinking about your holiday budget early on this year. From hosting holiday meals to purchasing gifts and building winter memories with extended family, it is always nice to have an extra stash of cash for the holidays. Thinking about holiday logistics before the rush of the season can help reduce stress and offer you a solid plan to fall back on if needed.

Early holiday shopping can space out costs and even score you extra savings. Consider trying a few tips for our recent budgeting article here: How to Create a Monthly Budget that Works

Stash Energy

The cold, winter months come with many holidays and increased time with extended family members. For some, this can bring extra financial stress, mental stress, anxiety and overwhelm. Prepare for this season by spending your time on additional activities you love. Whether it is spending time relaxing, cleaning, traveling, working out, meeting friends, knitting, watching your favorite shows or spending more time with your spouse, remember to prioritize yourself. Allowing for more alone time paired with creating healthy ties by setting solid boundaries ensures a smooth holiday season.

Winter can bring all sorts of challenges, but preparing is one thing that you can control. For additional winter preparation tips to prevent slips and falls you may also be interested in reading this article: Winter Safety: 9 Tips for Preventing Slips and Falls

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